Intellectual Property

Intellectual property concerns property used in business / commerce, such as brands, names, symbols, designs, patterns, inventions, literary and artistic works. 

Intellectual Property

Individuals have property rights in tangible property i.e. a car or a house. Intellectual property rights exist in the same way. Intellectual property disputes can be enormous and devour the money, time and manpower of organisations.

Intellectual Property

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For our individual clients, we have specially trained mediators specializing in matters such as divorce settlements, family/parenting difficulties, landlord/tenant disputes, diversity issues, problems with neighbours, among many others.

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Estate planning is not static and is increasingly complex. Often the plan stops short of providing for the kinds of solutions that are needed to deal with evolving family dynamics.

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In business, disputes can be a fact of life. This can also be true for those involved in a franchise. 

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Mediation is a cost effective tool to address conflict as a non-adversarial alternative to litigation. Using mediation to resolve conflicts can serve to preserve relationships which may be vital to your business, to your stakeholders or to your personal well being. 

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Sadowski Resolutions Group remains committed to assist parties in the resolution of their disputes. Advocacy and Mediation may not always be possible or the most efficient.

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In Ontario, the damages awarded by a judge and/or jury can vary substantially. We have seen a number of cases with a significant swing factor result in devastating impact to a Plaintiff and in the alternative, precedent setting decisions that future Defendants will now have to deal with.

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Most hi-tech and intellectual property matters are extremely expensive to litigate and they often are settled via business agreements. Much of the cost of discovery, trial preparation, exhibits, expert witnesses, and executive time can be saved by using mediation.

A mediator can help the parties craft a variety of business arrangements and lay the groundwork for future business. A mediated agreement may extend well beyond the subject matter of the pending lawsuit and accommodate larger business interests. This cannot be done through the court system.

Many products and technologies become dated very quickly. Litigation can and often does, last years, by which time the object of the initial dispute may have little or no value to the parties. Mediation can resolve the dispute quickly, while the product is commercially viable.

With an in-depth knowledge and key understanding of this sector we can assist clients achieve quick, cost effective and pragmatic solutions in relation to all types of disputes concerning intellectual property / IT disputes.